Meet Ubertesters at DLD Innovation Festival 2016 in Tel Aviv!

/ 22nd September, 2016 / Events
Meet Ubertesters at DLD Innovation Festival 2016 in Tel Aviv!

 Have a totally free schedule at DLD 2016?

Neither do we, but we’d still love to arrange a meeting!

Set up a meeting

 3 reasons why we should meet:

  • Share the best practices from the mobile app testing world.
  • Exchange referrals and opportunities.
  • Discuss prospective collaboration and the way our businesses can benefit.

What is Ubertesters?

Ubertesters beta-testing platform is a cloud-based, process and team management tool for mobile and web applications beta testing to ensure a better product is launched.

The tool helps companies to better manage, monitor and organize the entire mobile/web beta testing process, including in-house resources, community stakeholders, beta users, and external crowd testers.
In addition, the company offers crowd testing services – a method where the app/web testing is done by a large group of on-demand, professional QAs/testers for-hire with devices that conduct the testing under real-life conditions. The company offers testing in over 100 countries.

The platform main features:

  • Real-time in-house QA team and beta-team activities tracking and management;
  • Full video recording feature to view the exact steps done by the tester.
  • Tools for A/B (split) app testing across various beta-groups;
  • In-App bug submission tool with screenshot editing capabilities;
  • Test-cases support;
  • Real-time Over-The-Air (OTA) builds distribution and management;
  • Free in-platform bug tracking and monitoring tools;
  • Team, device, and project controls;
  • In-platform team extension. User can hire unlimited number of testers by request;
  • In-platform analytics and reporting tools.

 Set up a meeting

Get in touch

Want to hear more on how to scale your testing?


Get in touch, fill out the form below, and an Ubertesters representative will contact you shortly to find out how we can help you.


Want to see the Ubertesters platform at work? Please fill out the form below and we'll get in touch with you as quickly as possible.

Estimate your testing costs

Fill out a quick 20 sec form to get your free quote.

Thank you for contacting us

We will get back to you within 24 hours.

Meanwhile, follow us on Facebook or LinkedIn and see what we are up to.

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