Top-5 Misconceptions About Testing

/ 4th August, 2014 / That's a Myth
Top-5 Misconceptions About Testing

Many companies that work on their own applications don’t want to hire testers to fix bugs, because they think that it will lead to unexpected spendings or that they can involve customers as testers. However, the importance of such a team can’t be underestimated.

Below you will find 5 wrong concepts that should not mislead you.

1. No testers no bugs.

No matter how experienced your developers are, their code will always contain bugs. You must pay attention to the quality of your final product. Customers love smoothly working application, so you will not be successful without testers.

2. Web applications need less attention.

Phahaha! Do you really think that web-based application can solve all the testing issues? Here is a simple example: web-based application can introduce some new bugs when testers fix previous one, so testing becomes more tedious, time-consuming activity and requires more accuracy than ordinary “standalone” ones.

The same can be applied to new versions of a particular application they require scrupulous work on the bugs that appear in the previous versions and make necessary qualitative improvements to prevent new issues.

Without a good testers team this task seems impossible.

3. Customers as testers.

Wrong, wrong, wrong! Your customers want use your application not to test it. Only a tiny part of them may apply to that role, however, their qualification and experience can be used at sending additional feedbacks and just a limited amount of bugs. As you can see, no one able to substitute experienced team of testers.

4. Good testers don’t want to work as testers.

Good testers are, of course, always and everywhere at a premium, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t find your team, which will meet your strategic needs. If you provide excellent working conditions, interesting projects, opportunities for self-realization, career and professional growth testers will want to work for you! Alternative way is to hire professional testers via the specialized platform.

Keep them engaged and they will be happy to make your dream closer.

5. I have no money for that.

If your team doesn’t have testers, it means that your programmers must do double work, which definitely affect the overall working productivity and you lose money. Testers are much cheaper than programmers (the loss of the latter could be even more costly) and if you can’t afford to hire a good team of testers, or even use crowdtesting services, you shouldn’t think about succeeding in application development.

Also think you have no money for that? Estimate your testing costs with Ubertesters.

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