Symbolicated crash reports are now available with the latest UT iOS SDK

/ 20th April, 2016 / iOS
Symbolicated crash reports are now available with the latest UT iOS SDK

We are happy to announce that the latest version of Ubertesters iOS SDK is now available for all our customers! It is a powerful connector that helps you to get all the advantages of Ubertesters mobile app testing solution. Version 2.0.4now helps users to:
• Use crash reports symbolication;
• Optimize activity tracking performance;
• Add the bug-submission interface for beta-tester users.

Crash reports are now more informative than never before. You can detect causes of in-app unhandled exceptions during an iOS mobile testing sessions two times faster.


All symbolicated crash reports are now available not only in the Xcode.

We will be very happy to help you to get started with the latest UT iOS SDK. Improve all your iOS application testing processes today with Ubertesters platform.

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