Study Finds Android Developers Make Much Less Money Than iOS Developers

/ 5th May, 2015 / iOS
Study Finds Android Developers Make Much Less Money Than iOS Developers

Android surpasses iOS in occupied market share, and recently has surpassed it in the number of applications in the virtual store. However, when it comes to profits and revenues of both the developers and stores, Apple is way ahead. Data, provided by the numerous analyst firms only proves this fact. According to them, iOS users spend up to four times more money on the virtual content than Android users.

Recently, Tim Cook said during his quarterly report that cash flow in the App Store has increased by 50 percent. In 2014 the developers got more than 10 billion dollars of profit with the help of their software.

iOS users are more active and generate more profit. Developers notice it and, of course, put more effort into developing applications for iOS.

So what are the reasons why Android users, in spite of their increasing numbers produce less and less profit to the developer?

  1. Android’s market share is highest in low-income countries;
  2. Many people in such countries do not have credit cards, and Google do not always quickly establishes payment with the help of mobile operators;
  3. The average cost of Android-based smartphone is 250-300 dollars whereas the average cost of iPhone is $ 600. We do not know the volume of the content that owners of Galaxy S5 and some other expensive smartphones are buying. It possible that this content is not less than the content of iPhone users.
  4. Nevertheless, it is highly possible that iPhone users are spending more money that those people who have Android-based smartphones. It may be connected with the fact that the iPhone is chosen by those users, who are crazed about the context.

Android is not a priority platform for new startups. If you ask the developers why they focus on iOS, the majority of their answers will be as follows:

  • It is more expensive to develop an application for Android. Besides, its testing takes more time and money, primarily because of the high fragmentation of devices and software (BTW this one is the problem you can easily handle – learn more);
  • iOS users generate more profit in terms of monetization than those ones who use Android;
  • iOS is very popular in the US and this is the market that American companies are familiar with (in the whole world the Android’s share is 85%, while in the US it is a little less than 50%).

However, we must admit that if you are going to make the most out of your mobile audience, it’s necessary to put your efforts into developing both iOS and Android apps. To ease your life, Ubertesters provides you with global testers and with an access to all Android devices. Get your free quote today!

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